KSHP. OMD №10-2018

Published on 03 January 2019
Written by kshp. omd Hits: 1134

M. V. Gryazev, S. N. Larin, A. A. Pasynkov (Tula State University, Tula)

Analysis of the combined exhaust process and sheet locking with a hole

The results of theoretical studies of the combined process of drawing and flanging of sheet blanks with a hole are presented. Operations are held during flat annular workpiece deformation under the action of the punch drawn into the die hole. A method based on a joint solution of approximate differential equations of equilibrium and yield conditions is used. Based on the results of the studies, the boundaries of the stretching and flanging regions for the materials studied are obtained.
Keywords: drawing; flanging; tension; deformation; anisotropy.


G. V. Panfilov, S. V. Nedoshivin, I. A Gavrilin (Tula State University, Tula)

Model experimental study of technological processes on the basis of the deterministic system input equations

The methods for conducting computer (model) statistical experimental studies of technological processes described by the deterministic system of initial equations are developed. These studies can be based on the theory of an active planned factorial experiment and on the theory of passive multiple regression analysis.
Keywords: deterministic model of the technological process; statistical active machine experiment; machine experiment based on multiple correlation-regression analysis.


S. N. Larin, Yu. V. Bessmertnaya (Tula State University, Tula); G. A. Nuzhdin (The certification of quality systems «Konsorsium», Moscow)

Evaluation of influence of speed and time of deformation on damage in deformation of three-layer trainings in conditions of short-term creation

The structure of three layers with channels of a trapezoidal shape is investigated, the sheets of which are characterized by anisotropy in the creep regime during viscoplastic flow. The expressions allowing to determine the metal damageability in the process of deformation of aluminum and titanium alloys are obtained. The influence of the time and strain rate on the damageability for aluminum and titanium alloys is established.
Keywords: shape change; three-layer sheet structures; trapezoidal channels; damageability; time; strain rate.


V. N. Chudin, A. A. Pasynkov, K. Ya. Savinkova (Tula State University, Tula)

Combined process of gas pressure welding of a spherical shell

A technological scheme and calculation ratio are proposed for the process of manufacturing of a spherical shell of a tank by combining the preforms with pressure and shaping with gas. The states of plasticity and creep-plasticity of the material are adopted. The energy method was used. Calculated and technological data are given.
Keywords: plasticity; creeping-plasticity; time; work; pressure.


V. A. Korotkov, V. I. Platonov, Yu. V. Bessmrtnaya, N. A. Samsonov (Tula State University, Tula)

Elimination of feston formation at the exhaust of cylindrical shells from sheet metals with plane anisotropy of mechanical properties

The article deals with the issues of determining the presence of planar anisotropy of the sheet material by carrying out technological tests for extracting round preparations. The possibility of regulating the kinematics of the flange flow during the production of hollow cylindrical shells with the elimination of the formation of festons during stamping of materials both at normal and elevated temperatures with any kind of planar anisotropy is shown. The quantitative dependence of the height of the festons on the main technological factors is established: the difference between the radii of curvature in the profile approach part of the cavity of the matrix, the drawing coefficients, the relative gap between the punch and the matrix.
Keywords: extract; anisotropy; festons; profile blank; punch; matrix.


V. D. Kukhar, A. E. Kireeva (Tula State University, Tula); O. N. Mitin (JSC «NPO «Splav», Tula)

The rationale for the selection of initial billets in forging facings of cumulative charges of small caliber with a constant wall thickness

The article presents an analysis of the choice of initial blanks in the stamping of small-caliber facing depending on the angle of its solution with a constant wall thickness along the cone-forming funnel. The stress-strain state of the material during the entire loading process is estimated.  The main regularities are revealed.
Keywords: the cumulative cladding; bar processing; forging; matrix; punch; deformation processing of metals by pressure.


V. N. Chudin (Moskow State University Ways of Communications, Moscow); A. V. Chernyaev (Tula State University, Tula)

Calculation variant of drawing modes with heating

Relations for calculating the drawing parameters of a sheet blank on a radial matrix are proposed. Equilibrium equations in stresses with the linear law of flow, energy equation of equilibrium, equations of material discontinuity kinetics under conditions of viscoplasticity are used.
Keywords: viscoplasticity; deformations velocity; strains; power; force; damageability of material.