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For contributors

Published on 08 February 2014
Written by kshp. omd Hits: 3620

Preparation requirements for the manuscripts of the articles contributed to the journal “Forging and Stamping Production. Material Working by Pressure”


1. The form of contribution and contents of manuscript delivery

1.1. An article contributed to the journal “Forging and Stamping Production. Material Working by Pressure” should be provided in the Microsoft Office *.doc file format. It should be mailed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . A short abstract (2-3 sentences) and keywords should be included and placed before the main article text.
Font – Times New Roman, 14 type size, 1.5 line-to-line spacing, left margin – 25…30 mm, right margin – 10…15 mm, head margin – 25 mm, foot margin – 20 mm; pages must be numbered.
1.2. The accepted picture file formats are JPEG, TIFF, PDF. Inserting pictures into a Word file is not acceptable! CMYK model is a must for color pictures. The lineweight in line drawings should be no less than 0.2 mm. Photographs must have resolution not less than 300 dpi, line drawings – not less than 600 dpi.
All the letter and numerical designations provided in pictures must be interpreted in the main or picture caption text (picture captions are appended on a separate page).
1.3. Latin letter designations of parameters in the article text and formulas must be in italics, Russian and Greek letters – in body type.
1.4. Formulas must be composed in Microsoft Equation 3.0, simple formulas – in Word. All the abbreviations and reference designations in formulas must be interpreted; dimensions of physical quantities must be in accordance with the SI system.
1.5. Articles should comprise neither lengthy numerical and formula tables nor any interim computations.
1.6. Names of foreign companies must be provided in the original transcription accompanied by the indication of their country.
1.7. It is strongly advisable for the articles to follow this pattern: problem statement, solution, results.
1.8. The reference index must contain only those sources intrinsically related to the article text. The reference index is composed in accordance with the order of reference in the body text and is provided at the end of the article. Source references in the body text are marked with Arabic numerals in square brackets, e.g.: [1, 2]. Patents and certificates of authorship are indicated in the following way: patent/certificate number, country, Int. CL, name, authors. References to the application and favourable decision are not published.
1.9. The following information about each contributor should be included in the end of the article or filed as a separate document: first name, middle name, last name, date of birth, place of employment and position, academic degree, home address, work and home phone numbers, email address.

2. Terms of article publication

2.1. All the incoming science article manuscripts are subject to review (see our Reviewing procedure for the incoming manuscripts).
2.2. The decision on publication (or rejection) of an article is made by the Editorial Board or the Editor-in-chief and is based on the assessment of the following: compliance with the journal’s specificity and actual attainments in the considered area of science and technology, its practical utility and other criteria considering the reviewer's report and results of a rework (if the article was reworked after the review)
2.3. No fee is charged for the publishing of candidates’ articles.