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KSHP. OMD №10-2021

Category: Abstracts
Published on 22 December 2021
Written by kshp. omd Hits: 1231

Mohamed Sherif El Sayed Ahmed Soliman (Novosibirsk State Technical University, Novosibirsk)

Drawing formation in a blind and open matrix by magnetic impulse pressure

One of the main applications of the magnetic pulse module is electromagnetic pressure treatment. Electromagnetic impulse interaction is also a method of plastic forming of materials with high strain rate. Electromagnetic fields are solved by the finite element method for conductors coupled with the boundary element method for ambient air/insulators. In this paper, theoretical principles are considered and physical phenomena arising during the formation of a sheet blank by an electromagnetic pulse in a blind and open matrix are discussed. In addition, examples of numerical simulation of electromagnetic forming in the electromagnetic analysis module of the LS-DYNA program are given.
Keywords: blind and open matrices; dead point; electromagnetic shaping; metal forming by pressure; plastic deformation; aluminum alloy D16AM.


D. V. Kapitanenko, B. R. Nekrasov (FSUE «VIAM», Moscow); I.A. Izakov (MMPP «Salyut», Moscow); E. S. Chebotareva (Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow)

The equipment for isothermal deformation (part 1)

The article describes the features of design of the specialized equipment intended for isothermal deformation of complex-alloyed materials. The requirements shown to the equipment for isothermal deformation and their implementation on the existing equipment are described.
Keywords: isothermal deformation; hydraulic press; deformation tool; deformation speed.


L. G. Gagarina, Zhong Juyu (National Research University «Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology», Moscow)

Researching on Pre-trained Model in Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis

In this article we tried to investigate the concept of preliminary training of the model of BERT language for the tasks of aspect-oriented emotion or sentiment analysis. Using datasets with annotations in ABSA may improve both attentions and learned representations of reviews pretrained BERT. It became obvious that just a handful of self-attention heads are used to represent both context and opinion words for an aspect. Majority of aspect representation features relate to fine-tuned semantics and aspect of the topic neglecting general context opinions form.
Keywords: ABSA; BERT; self-attention; natural language processing; pre-training; annotated datasets; aspect; domain; Transformer.


E. I. Kicha (NPO «Gidrotekhproekt» LLC, Saint Petersburg); M. A. Kicha, D. S. Malovik, V. S. Mikhailenko (Research Institute of Shipbuilding and Weapons Navy Fleet, MTSC of the Navy fleet «Naval Academy», Saint Petersburg)

Phytotechnologies for efficient air cleaning in indoor rooms

There is a trend towards solving existing environmental problems. For this, changes are being made to the legislation, new mechanisms and tools are being developed to consolidate the efforts of scientific and educational organizations, business, the public, industrial enterprises, and government bodies. One of the vectors for ensuring environmental safety and introducing new environmental living standards is the development and implementation of technologies to improve the environment of cities and industrial facilities, urban facilities. At the moment, there is a tendency towards an increase in the number of people suffering from occupational diseases and physical disabilities. This dictates the need to harmonize the endogenous environment through the use of phytotechnologies for the effective purification of indoor air. The paper discusses key modern phytotechnologies for effective indoor air purification. Based on the technologies considered, it can be concluded that phytotechnologies for efficient indoor air purification are a promising solution, economically beneficial and expedient from an environmental point of view. For the improvement of indoor air, it is recommended to use plants with phytoncidal properties and the ability to absorb harmful gaseous substances. Plant phytoncides are characterized by an action aimed at slowing down the growth of bacteria, destroying bacteria and fungi, as well as a negative effect on the pathogenic microflora of the air. Due to their adhesive properties, plants absorb harmful substances from the air, making it enriched with oxygen.
Keywords: phytotechnology; air purification; air environment; environmental problems; technological platform; phytowall.


A. V. Khudyakova, M. A. Khudyakova, Yu. Yu. Skripova, L. V. Sel’kina, I. N. Vlasova (Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University», Perm)

Industrial and economic excursions as a means of improving financial literacy of students

Industrial excursions – visits to factories, factories, state farms and other enterprises - play an important role in consolidating and deepening knowledge on financial literacy and in the polytechnic training of students. Industrial excursions should be of an economic nature and aim to familiarize students with the main branches of the country's economy, to help students understand the geography of production and the relationship that exists between individual industries, as well as between production and consumption areas. In addition, the excursions show the importance of production in the economy of the country and give an idea of typical enterprises of one type or another. It is worth noting that production and economic excursions directly affect the development of financial literacy of students, thanks to the visual display of all components of the enterprise, from management to production, with an understanding of the use of funds by the enterprise at each stage of development.
Keywords: excursion; financial literacy; development; schoolchildren; enterprise.


A. A. Volodin (HSE University, Moscow)

Promotion of products in social networks by attracting opinion leaders

Companies operating in the Russian market, especially the metallurgical complex, support their traditional approaches in the field of influence marketing, inviting celebrities to support their brands. At the same time, digital models appear in various markets as opinion leaders (influencers). Virtual opinion leaders are a new phenomenon in social networks. Comparisons between real and virtual opinion leaders at the first three stages of adopting AIDA consumer behavior are made, namely at the stages of primary interest in influencers, account, interest in a product on a social network page, desire to buy a product. The study showed that a lower level of trust in a virtual person as an expert in the market does not affect the intention to buy a product. The results of the study can be used when making decisions about working with opinion leaders.
Keywords: influence marketing; brand; influencer; brand face; company face; virtual influencer.